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This is Stevie's blog, just some stuff' about what I'm up to. I'm not too serious so hopefully we can have a laugh together..........


Wednesday 6 April 2011

Not Long Now

I've been biting my nails down to the quick waiting for my passport to come back from Travcour. You see dear chums, one of the Embassies has been closed for no reason what so ever. No matter becouse people far more knowing than I have decided that we can apply for all our visa's in country and my precious passport is back in my hot little hand weehee.

I must say dear readers that I have been feeling very meloncholic of late. You see, two very young people have tragically died recently, James Bubear just nineeen years old, walking home through Bath - a city I love. Where it seems he fell into the river and drowned. Sian O'Callaghan was walking home from a night out at a club in Swindon was also tragically killed, she was just twenty two. Two young lives, with everything to look forward too, just gone..........

How is it that an old crusty like me, gets a second chance at life, can do things most people can only dream about without thought or consideration for anybody else, except him self. Does that seem a little selfish to you? Becouse it seems very odd to me.

The older one gets, the older one realises that this life we lead is not a rehersal, this is it, there is no replay and certainly is not a practise run for something else. I can't change what heppend to James or Sian, or any of the many other young guys and girls that similar things happen to all over the world (I would imagine) but, I can at least ensure that I get as much as I possibly can out of the next eighteen months or so, or I'm not playing life's game properly and to the full.

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