So Denis and I are in competion to suck up the most without taking a breather, gosh it was hard work slurping all those lovely coctails, on the beach, in the sun, with blue sky and surrounded by lovely ladies. Some even wearing bikinis!!!!!!!
Jungle Beach is a really cool place if you find yourself at a loose end and need some well earned R n R. Most nights, erm.....each night we skinny dipped in the warm China sea with just the sneeky boy sea snake floating in the water to frighten the girls. Sally especially enjoyed this activity which made the naughty sea snake even more active!
After breakast it was swim or lie down, clearly I was lying down at this point, not sure though if this was after the cocktail party the night before. No matter as everyone had a jolly good time, thanks to the Odyssey peeps for finding this place. It must be hell doing the research!
Another cool town on our agenda was Hoi An, a great place to have clothes made to measure and young Stevie had five new shirts made to add to his wardrobe.
Palm trees in Hoi An after the weekend revelry. A big open air disco down by the river saw locals and tourists boogeying away and the DJ dancing on a table. Not quite what you expect from Vietnam is it?
Our last stop was Ho Chi Min city, much larger than Hanoi and not as mad. A great place to walk around and very nice tourist police to help old codgers like me, to cross the road. Asking directions from one young man who clearly wanted to impress, he blew his whistle to stop the traffic at a cross roads and then beckond Denis and I to cross. About half way across this wide boulivard the lights must have changed and all the traffic surged towards us. "Keep walking, keep walking" was the only advice the young guy could say. It was then a quick walk back to the hotel to change undies!

We are in delightful Cambodia now and another blog in a few days time or so. Angkor Wat tomorrow at 5:15 am and one of Cambodias biggies so now it must be nearly bed time.
Lovies to family and friends
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