Ok, so this is me having my photo taken next to a ahhh you get the picture and I thought the idea was pretty neat. This was in Tbilisi in Georgia (we arn't ther now) no not Tbilisi, Georgia. Its a really cool place and a lot of work has clearly been spent in getting Georgia up to scratch and clean of corruption. In fact all the Police force were sacked (apparently) on the spot, yep all 17,000 of them. They trained up a nice new bunch and hey presto, swanky new uniforms n stuff. So we arrived in Georgia, did I tell you about the brothel Paul and I went to by mistake. Trust me it really was a mistake but sorry folks what goes on tour stays on tour and its going to cost you a lot of hooch to get that story out of me. So back to Georgia, what a great place full of bloody big mountains, lots of very deep snow, so deep in fact on one steatch of our trip, they were still digging it off the road.........jeeps!

Hey, this was up a very steep hill, I did'nt make it up to the top, just about everybody else did and there was a cracking monestory up the top or maybe it was a church or a bar or something. I had a cold and ran out of puff so cried off. The sceneri here just takes your breath away and so good, I might just come back one day.

So this is the view from the tent at sunset, nah I lie. We were looking for a bar (rest assured we found one) and the sun was setting so I thought how cool hmmm? Anyway, we spend a lot of time drinking and sampling new wine and all the local beer we can get our hands on, some light weights have been having AFD's 'Alchohol Free Days'. Rest assured Stevie has been keeping the English end up.....just and is still standing.......just.
Some places here clearly have been dragged up by their boots and are looking really cool but there are loads that still need a lot of tlc. No matter couse that adds to the charm of it all. We arrived in Azerbaijan this morning after a bit of a wait at the border, but it was sunny and hey, its a new country so the next blog will have a few more piccies next time.
Hugs n stuff xx