For whatever reason it was get logs for the truck day (what ever you do, don’t call it a bus, the driver ‘Big Jim’ will chew your nuts off). So as we gathered at dawn, in groups of 5 and marked off. We were sent off to the dark woods to gather dry wood for our bush camps. Now I’m no boy scout and I‘m on holiday right? So Stevie figured no way man and blagged it out when we had to display our separate wood piles. CJ the burly Para trooper came marching past and stopped in front of me. A noise so high came out of CJ’s mouth the like of which I’ve seldom heard. Stevie was in blooming big trouble.......eek! “What do you call this”? Squeaked the high pitched CJ. “Erm wood sir” I meekly replied. So, as my pile of wood was the smallest I was locked in the back locker through my journey from Romania to Bulgaria and fed only stale bread and warm water as an incentive to others to ensure anyone’s lack lustre efforts are not repeated. Only kidding folks, but wood is gathered for the truck but normally as part of a pee stop.
Well folks, we arrived in very sunny Bulgaria today and when we arrived at the camp were offered some very serious choices to make. Life really is tough on the road you see. A full roast beef dinner and large cooked English breakfast or not......well it didn’t take me long to make up my mind I can tell you ha ha.
Well folks, we arrived in very sunny Bulgaria today and when we arrived at the camp were offered some very serious choices to make. Life really is tough on the road you see. A full roast beef dinner and large cooked English breakfast or not......well it didn’t take me long to make up my mind I can tell you ha ha.
So yesterday we spent the day in Bucharest Romania, wondering around and seeing all the major sites and it looks like this big place is pulling its skirts up, lots of work everywhere and its really cheap here too. So Danish pastry and a double espresso for mid morning coffee off we went. It’s actually quite flat and tourists still seem to be a matter of curiosity or that just what I’m wearing.....maybe I need to look in a mirror in the morning ha.
So the streets are getting narrower and the area is looking much older looking with the sound of old barrow music drifting through the streets. We come across a guy looking like Charlie Chaplin who is grinding the old organ. His big top hat has two white mice running around the top and he has three parakeets on a perch in front of him. It’s some kind of fortune telling thing. So one of the group pays this guy, he picks a mouse up which promptly pulls out a fortune card in English......outstanding or what!!
Anyway, we are staying at this fab campsite for a couple of days, laundry is being taken care of by the very nice camp staff and my only concern is which type of beer to sup next. Like I said life really is tough on the road.........