Jeeps Peeps, I have no idea where to begin with this leg of the tour. We are maybe 10 days in but whose counting? Still some cool stuff to do like Jungle Beach, where more shinanagings are planned and a little later Ho Chi Min City still to visit.
This trip is just getting better and better, thanks Odyssey Peeps - this is just the best thing I have ever done. If you are thinking of doing something like this, save, beg, steal or borrow the cash from the old man but book it!!!!
Above shows what effectively used to be the river border between old north and southVietnam or in our guides words the communist and capitalist bridge. This was just one of our stops on a *** tour. What a great day but a quite sad to see unarked graves of lads and lasses of just 17 who as yet, have no name.
War memorial near the bridge, or maybe they are not called memorials as we know them, but the feeling is still the same.
All the might, money and power of the US going to rust!
The equivilent of seven tons of bombs per person where dropped on Vietnam and Cambodia.
A local hill tribe and 'granny'.
Or maybe birth control is not practiced at all?
Oh yes, this is still the way a lot of goods are carried.
Our dinner boat arrives, shame about the thunderstorm later on that evening but rain here is warm.
A bit of culture chaps? Mandy is great at organising stuff, and this day tour was guided by Hanoi kids and while they are not kids but young adults - the tour was great, their English very good and we were just as keen to learn about Vietnamese life as they were about ours. Thanks Mandy.
The village house was in a museum of Vietnamese culture and all the big houses (like the one above) were constructed by each minority tribe craftsmen who were brought in to build them in the traditional way. Lots of different houses each with its own unique style and shape.
We had a fab lunch chosen by the Vietnamese kids in a local busy restaurant. This was my pudding - shan't be having that again! It was a bit like frog spawn and snakes in the same glass, now you get the picture.......YUK!
Ho Long Bay swimming with the jelly fish and yes the lady was selling Pringles and cokes and while you may on the very off chance have a little pocket in your cozzie with cash in. How the heck are you going to eat bloody Pringles!
If you come to 'Nam' also come to the bay, it'll be one of the best things you do. We had a boat to ourselves. Stayed over night, had fantastic food, great company and with a view to die for. Thanks Charlie.
Stevie tucking into fanny....woah there young man. The ice cream was eaten in Fannies, nope that's not quite right either, erm.....lets just say it was bloody lovely and leave it at that.
While these soldiers looked very smart in their Sunday best uniform at the Ho Chi Min mausaleum, they actually marched a bit camp swinging their arms across themselves rather than from side to side and I found it difficult not to smirk, but the mausaleum was a serious place so I didn't. I did however find seeing 'Uncle Ho' really quite moving.